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filename: CEGUIWindowFactoryManager.h
created: 22/2/2004
author: Paul D Turner
purpose: Defines interface for WindowFactoryManager class
Crazy Eddie's GUI System (http://www.cegui.org.uk)
Copyright (C)2004 - 2005 Paul D Turner (paul@cegui.org.uk)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _CEGUIWindowFactoryManager_h_
#define _CEGUIWindowFactoryManager_h_
#include "CEGUIBase.h"
#include "CEGUIString.h"
#include "CEGUISingleton.h"
#include "CEGUILogger.h"
#include "CEGUIIteratorBase.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4275)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251)
// Start of CEGUI namespace section
namespace CEGUI
Class that manages WindowFactory objects
class CEGUIEXPORT WindowFactoryManager : public Singleton<WindowFactoryManager>
struct used to hold mapping information required to create a falagard based window.
struct CEGUIEXPORT FalagardWindowMapping
String d_windowType;
String d_lookName;
String d_baseType;
Class used to track active alias targets for Window factory types.
class CEGUIEXPORT AliasTargetStack
Constructor for WindowAliasTargetStack objects
AliasTargetStack(void) {}
Destructor for WindowAliasTargetStack objects
~AliasTargetStack(void) {}
Return a String holding the current target type for this stack
reference to a String object holding the currently active target type name for this stack.
const String& getActiveTarget(void) const;
Return the number of stacked target types in the stack
number of target types stacked for this alias.
uint getStackedTargetCount(void) const;
friend class WindowFactoryManager;
typedef std::vector<String> TargetTypeStack; //!< Type used to implement stack of target type names.
TargetTypeStack d_targetStack; //!< Container holding the target types.
Construction and Destruction
Constructs a new WindowFactoryManager object.
Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created");
Destructor for WindowFactoryManager objects
Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton destroyed");
Public Interface
Return singleton WindowFactoryManager object
Singleton WindowFactoryManager object
static WindowFactoryManager& getSingleton(void);
Return pointer to singleton WindowFactoryManager object
Pointer to singleton WindowFactoryManager object
static WindowFactoryManager* getSingletonPtr(void);
Adds a new WindowFactory to the list of registered factories.
\param factory
Pointer to the WindowFactory to be added to the WindowManager.
\exception NullObjectException \a factory was null.
\exception AlreadyExistsException \a factory provided a Window type name which is in use by another registered WindowFactory.
void addFactory(WindowFactory* factory);
Removes a WindowFactory from the list of registered factories.
The WindowFactory object is not destroyed (since it was created externally), instead it is just removed from the list.
\param name
String which holds the name (technically, Window type name) of the WindowFactory to be removed. If \a name is not
in the list, no error occurs (nothing happens).
void removeFactory(const String& name);
Removes a WindowFactory from the list of registered factories.
The WindowFactory object is not destroyed (since it was created externally), instead it is just removed from the list.
\param factory
Pointer to the factory object to be removed. If \a factory is null, or if no such WindowFactory is in the list, no
error occurs (nothing happens).
void removeFactory(WindowFactory* factory);
Remove all WindowFactory objects from the list.
void removeAllFactories(void) {d_factoryRegistry.clear();}
Return a pointer to the specified WindowFactory object.
\param type
String holding the Window object type to return the WindowFactory for.
Pointer to the WindowFactory object that creates Windows of the type \a type.
\exception UnknownObjectException No WindowFactory object for Window objects of type \a type was found.
WindowFactory* getFactory(const String& type) const;
Checks the list of registered WindowFactory objects, aliases, and
falagard mapped types for one which can create Window objects of the
specified type.
\param name
String containing the Window type name to check for.
- true if a WindowFactory, alias, or falagard mapping for Window objects
of type \a name is registered.
- false if the system knows nothing about windows of type \a name.
bool isFactoryPresent(const String& name) const;
Adds an alias for a current window type.
This method allows you to create an alias for a specified window type. This means that you can then use
either name as the type parameter when creating a window.
You need to be careful using this system. Creating an alias using a name that already exists will replace the previous
mapping for that alias. Each alias name maintains a stack, which means that it is possible to remove an alias and have the
previous alias restored. The windows created via an alias use the real type, so removing an alias after window creation is always
safe (i.e. it is not the same as removing a real factory, which would cause an exception when trying to destroy a window with a missing
\param aliasName
String object holding the alias name. That is the name that \a targetType will also be known as from no on.
\param targetType
String object holding the type window type name that is to be aliased. This type must already exist.
\exception UnknownObjectException thrown if \a targetType is not known within the system.
void addWindowTypeAlias(const String& aliasName, const String& targetType);
Remove the specified alias mapping. If the alias mapping does not exist, nothing happens.
You are required to supply both the alias and target names because there may exist more than one entry for a given
alias - therefore you are required to be explicit about which alias is to be removed.
\param aliasName
String object holding the alias name.
\param targetType
String object holding the type window type name that was aliased.
void removeWindowTypeAlias(const String& aliasName, const String& targetType);
Add a mapping for a falagard based window.
This function creates maps a target window type and target 'look' name onto a registered window type, thus allowing
the ususal window creation interface to be used to create windows that require extra information to full initialise
These mappings support 'late binding' to the target window type, as such the type indicated by \a targetType need not
exist in the system until attempting to create a Window using the type.
Also note that creating a mapping for an existing type will replace any previous mapping for that same type.
\param newType
The type name that will be used to create windows using the target type and look.
\param targetType
The base window type.
\param lookName
The name of the 'look' that will be used by windows of this type.
void addFalagardWindowMapping(const String& newType, const String& targetType, const String& lookName);
Remove the specified falagard type mapping if it exists.
void removeFalagardWindowMapping(const String& type);
Return whether the given type is a falagard mapped type.
\param type
Name of a window type.
- true if the requested type is a Falagard mapped window type.
- false if the requested type is a normal WindowFactory (or alias), or if the type does not exist.
bool isFalagardMappedType(const String& type) const;
Return the name of the LookN'Feel assigned to the specified window mapping.
\param type
Name of a window type. The window type referenced should be a falagard mapped type.
String object holding the name of the look mapped for the requested type.
\exception InvalidRequestException thrown if \a type is not a falagard mapping type (or maybe the type didn't exist).
const String& getMappedLookForType(const String& type) const;
Use the alias system, where required, to 'de-reference' the specified
type to an actual window type that can be created directly (that being
either a concrete window type, or a falagard mapped type).
Even though implied by the above description, this method does not
check that a factory for the final type exists; we simply say that the
returned type is not an alias for some other type.
\param type
String describing the type to be de-referenced.
String object holding a type for a window that can be created directly;
that is, a type that does not describe an alias to some other type.
String getDereferencedAliasType(const String& type) const;
Implementation Data
typedef std::map<String, WindowFactory*> WindowFactoryRegistry; //!< Type used to implement registry of WindowFactory objects
typedef std::map<String, AliasTargetStack> TypeAliasRegistry; //!< Type used to implement registry of window type aliases.
typedef std::map<String, FalagardWindowMapping> FalagardMapRegistry; //!< Type used to implement registry of falagard window mappings.
WindowFactoryRegistry d_factoryRegistry; //!< The container that forms the WindowFactory registry
TypeAliasRegistry d_aliasRegistry; //!< The container that forms the window type alias registry.
FalagardMapRegistry d_falagardRegistry; //!< Container that hold all the falagard window mappings.
Iterator stuff
typedef ConstBaseIterator<WindowFactoryRegistry> WindowFactoryIterator;
typedef ConstBaseIterator<TypeAliasRegistry> TypeAliasIterator;
typedef ConstBaseIterator<FalagardMapRegistry> FalagardMappingIterator;
Return a WindowFactoryManager::WindowFactoryIterator object to iterate over the available WindowFactory types.
WindowFactoryIterator getIterator(void) const;
Return a WindowFactoryManager::TypeAliasIterator object to iterate over the defined aliases for window types.
TypeAliasIterator getAliasIterator(void) const;
Return a WindowFactoryManager::FalagardMappingIterator object to iterate over the defined falagard window mappings.
FalagardMappingIterator getFalagardMappingIterator() const;
} // End of CEGUI namespace section
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#endif // end of guard _CEGUIWindowFactoryManager_h_